'The Ogma' conducted a workshop on 11th September, 2019. It started with a video session, describing 'The role of soft skills'. It stated-how communication is different from language learning. We have to master the art of communication.
It was followed by briefing the students on how they should give a brief introduction about themselves including their family and educational background. Some of the attendants were asked to give their introduction and the prizes were distributed to the top three winners.
MCA final year students shared their experiences regarding placements and emphasized on how communication skills play an important role to clear any interview.
After this, a JAM(Just a minute) session was conducted. The students were assigned some creative and funny topics on the spot. They were given 20 seconds to think and had to speak for a minute making it humorous, entertaining and thinking out of the box.
A fun activity, 'The gossip mongers' was also conducted, to rejuvenate the minds of the audiences. This was a fun session.
Last event of the day was 'Group Discussion'. In which the rules of the event were briefly described to the students. Ten groups, each one alloted with a topic were made. The time limit given to them was 10 minutes.
At last, the winners of the JAM and the Group Discussion were announced and goodies were distributed to them.
All in all it was a great workshop. The motive of the workshop was to encourage the freshers to come up, speak, learn and grow. It revolves around, helping the students enhancing their speaking skills as well as personality.